Saturday, August 15, 2009

Prognisis and Treatment

So, to keep up with the whirlwind of events, we spoke to the Doc yesturday and within minutes of finishing our meeting with her, she answered our questions and started the first round of chemo. They have discovered the Burkitt-Like Lymphoma is in stage four BUT that doesn't not by any means give Colin a death sentence! Yes the cancer is VERY aggressive, BUT it responds very well to chemo, so we are praying hard and we need you all to pray hard for our miracle! Yesturday was the longest most painful day of our lives, and we really haven't even processed everything happening. It's overwhelming that this treatment is going to take about 4 months, give or take depending how Colin responds and how his body will hold up. I haven't even begun to figure out how I can be both a mother and a wife, but i know God is going to take care of all the details and He is already providing! The effects from the chemo are immediate, but there are so many things to counter the side effects, so they are trying to keep Colin as comfortable and pain free as possible. He is sleeping a lot, and he needs to keep up his rest so his body can fight this!
The people who are praying and putting this on church prayer chains, THANK YOU.........God is here, I promise you that! Keep praying, keep believing........right now our family needs to lean on those around us......Calgary keeps us from getting help with caring for the kids and things like that, but we are depending on your prayers!
Pray that Colin will have little to no side effects from this chemo
Pray that there are no lasting effects as well
Pray that the cancer responds and he gets into remission

it's early so i've not been up to the hospital for the day yet, but i will lpost on how Colin is doing later today!

HUGS~ Missy


  1. Thanks for the update Melissa. We are praying for a miracle of healing for Colin. Be assured that many people are praying and upholding you before God.

  2. We really appreciate all the updates, Missy. Please let us know when Colin is up for visitors. Love to all of you! Aunt Debbie

  3. Melissa and Colin, I very much feel for the both of you. I do not know you, but am honored to know Colin's parents. May you experience the loving touch of the Shepherd as you pass through the dark valley that He somehow permits you go through. To be sure, I have known valleys and can say with confidence: God does wipe away tears. May Christ's arms be around you, constantly. Jaap Feenstra

  4. Hey guys,
    Had a chance to pop in and see Colin yesterday and it was awesome to witness what an amazingly strong spirit this guy has. Keep your hopes high and we're praying.. :)
