Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another check in day

This morning Melissa and I again are at the Foothills hospital for blood work and a G-CSF shot. We also had a meeting with the Apheresis nurse about my stem cell collection next week. It is amazing what modern medicine can do and how blood can be seperated to collect the cells. We will update when it will be but we are hoping it is Monday so we can go home to Medicine Hat sooner then later!

Lastnight Melissa gave me my G-CSF shot at home and she was actually better at it then some of the nurses who have given it to me previously. I am greatful for an amazing wife who is willing to do everything she possibly can do so we don't have to come to the hospital so much. We asked today to get enough shots for a couple days so we don't have to keep checking in everyday. Its about 25-40 minutes to drive to the hospital everyday.

We are just waiting my blood counts for this morning and hopefully I don't need another transfusion today so we can go home and rest.

Hope everyone has a great day and may the Lord bless you all!


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