Thursday, October 15, 2009

Still Sinking In

Hello All!
Today i think, we're both still in shock from our great news yesturday! Colin keeps confirming with each Doc that comes in, if his marrow is clear and if there are any other signs of cancer. Our transplant Doc came in today and she said they can't quite say that Colin's in remission yet, but they are very hopeful that with the PET scan test still having to be done, it will only confirm that there FOR SURE is no cancer! She told him that he's in the most perfect position for transplant and the last half of treatment. This part of the process will only be insurance that the cancer won't come back. The fact that Colin's marrow is clean, is so awesome for transplant that they won't be reinjecting any cancer cells back into his body!

Today i came up and Colin has been eating almost non-stop.....he's laughing and being a "funny-guy" (or at least trying to be, heehee). He's retaining a lot of fluid which always happens when he goes back on chemo after a break period. He's wanting to get up and walk and keep active and he's planning to be out on pass by Sunday already, so if he keeps this positive, he's gonna breeze through this cycle of chemo! Pray for his strength to stay, and for limited side-effects.

Just wanna thank you again for praying, and to keep us covered in prayer throughout this entire process, some people hear 'no cancer' and figure we're done, but our road is still long but we have renewed strength and hope for Colin's FULL RECOVERY into remission and then after 5 years to be CURED! Pray for his cure rate, and that he can continue to stay healthy and strong and have many more happy healthy years ahead of him!

I should go get some lunch, talk to you all soon!

love, Melissa

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been able to read this blog the last few days so tonight I was absolutely blown away!!!! Yey God!!! I have goosebumps and such joy. You are both still in my prayers and thoughts!! You will sail over this next bump.

