Wednesday, August 19, 2009

All Because of Your Prayers!

ok, so i know it's ridiculuously late, and i need to get some sleep, but i just wanted to share something that Colin and his Doc talked about today. She told him how amazing she was that his blood counts (hemoglobin and white cells, along with his platlets) were so high considering he has been on chemo for almost a week. Her words were that there was "something else going on here". We know it is God's hand because of all of you who are praying! God has been answering our prayers to keep Colin's body strong through this process, and He is being SO faithful in showing us His power, even after such a short time into this ordeal.
Of course Colin is still tired, which is comepletely normal, but he is in great spirits and he's smiling and laughing, his pain is manageable and God is a good God who takes care of our needs one day at a time. He will not leave us alone through this, and that's where we have so much hope to just keep going!
Some great friends came up today and took Corban and I to the zoo this afternoon.....what a great time! Such a blessing to spend some quality time with my little boy. He has not been coping so well with me coming and going, so please pray that I will be able to find a balance between making sure both Colin and the boys are cared for....My parents are to take them back to Medicine Hat for the coming week, so please pray it is a little easier than this past week has been! Keegan is just along for the ride, and he's been quite happy and a little bit of a handful, but his little grin makes it all worth it. My Mom and Nat have done amazing with all four of the kids, such a blessing to not have to worry while i'm with Colin!
I need to get some sleep, but i will write more tomorrow.
Colin is off chemo for a couple days just to let his body recoup for some tougher, more stronger doses next week. Keep praying that he feels little to no effects from his treatment and that there is no long term damage to worry about!
Good Night!
luv, Missy

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