Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Rundown

Hi! We're back to the grind and it's Missy here again! i've been having the worst luck on trying to post on the blog, yesturday and this morning, so forgive me for not getting some updates out sooner!
Yesturday we arrived up in Calgary at 2pm and we were pleasantly surprised that we won't have to worry about sharing rooms, when we have passes to leave. ok, so every time we have a pass to come home, Colin loses his room, so we were nervous that he would get stuck in a room with someone else.....but i guess with the aggressiveness of the chemo schedule, he will always have his own room, so there was a comfort in knowing that!
At 7pm last nite (Friday), Colin recieved another spinal chemo injection, again his cell counts are awesome, but they just wanted to kick the cancer while it's down and really kill it. The Doc sedated Colin just enough to make us all laugh until we were crying, so we had a good night!

This morning is a different story, i arrived and Colin and i talked to the Doc about how he was responding to treatment so far.....she figured the cancer is already 95-99% gone, but again, they hit it while it's down and really do everything they can to kill it so there will he a higher chance of a cure rate. As soon as she left though, he started throwing up and now he has a cripling spinal headache, so i wish we could be more excited about how he is so positively responding, but we're just trying to get his pain under control, so he stops throwing up enough, to get his chemo for the day.....oh boy....this could be a long one!
The headache is common, the Doc checked him thoroughly and said there wasn't anything more serious going on, and that she was sure it was from the spinal. These headaches can last up to 2-3 days, so please pray that it won't last any longer than today, and that the pain can be managed with little to no nausea!

Our goodbye to the boys was better than we expected and they are happy to have had the time with their Daddy this last week! Colin is renewed with a determination to get this over with and he is firmly believing that he will be healed, by the power of our God, and the chemo is only going to help that along!
I will update as things progress today, just please be praying for Colin's pain......he's finally managed to fall asleep, hopefully sleep relieves the pain for a time, until they start the chemo!

i'll be in touch soon, please keep praying!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Melissa,

    I hurt for you guys. Keep focusing on the end of the process but know that you have to get there day by day, moment by moment and some of those are pretty hard, as you well know.

    We're praying for daily grace.

    loving you both from Victoria,
    Uncle Tim and Auntie Lorrie
